Task Group Name Field Video

This video explains how you can use the Checklist Copy Name field in the task management application.

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Video Transcript - Using the Checklist Copy Name field the Task Management Application

Hi, welcome to another video tutorial on the web application In this video I'm going to talk about using the Checklist Copy Name field in the application. Even though using the "Checklist Copy Name" field is optional, there are certain situations where using will be absolutely necessary so it is worth taking a few of minutes to learn what it can do for you. Basically, the situations when using this field is going to be necessary is whenever you're making multiple copies of the same checklist for the same project and you need to be able to tell them apart.

So here we are again logged in as our fictitious user Bob Broker and this time let's go into a different organization that Bob is a member of called Perfect Property Management where Bob manages rental property.

Let's start by going to see where this field is found so you'll know exactly what it is that we're talking about. To do that, let's go up to the main menu and click the little down arrow next to the "Checklists" button and then select the first item that says "Copy Checklist to Task List". So again, this is the page where we can actually use a checklist by copying it to the task list. The "Checklist Copy Name" field is the one down here at the bottom of this page. So this is the field that we're talking about.

Next, let's go to our "Checklists" page where we see that this organization has two versions of a checklist called "Tenant Repair Request", that they use to manage the process of completing a repair on a rental house. Version 2 of this checklist is somewhat representative of what would need to be done in the real world. It consists of 10 tasks that go through the process of getting a price quote and getting everything approved by the owner of the house before completing the repair and then following up with the tenant and owner after the repair has been completed. Version 1, on the other hand, consists of only 3 tasks and while it wouldn't be realistic to use in the real world, it is much simpler and it will provide everything that's needed to provide a good example of a situation when using the "Checklist Copy Name" field will be necessary so that's the one we're going to use.

Now, say that Bob gets a call from a tenant saying that they have 2 problems that need to be repaired, one for a dripping kitchen faucet and on one for a broken light fixture. Because we need to assign these two repairs to two different people, one to a plumber and one to an electrician, we need to be able to track these separately and so we're going to make two separate copies of our "Tenant Repair Request" checklist.

Now, I've actually already done that - made two copies of that checklist and I made those copies without entering anything into that "Checklist Copy Name" field for either one of those copies. So let's go to our checklists copied page and we can see two copies of checklists that exist for this organization and if we look at the details of each of these checklist copies we see that they are in fact both copies of the "Tenant Repair Request" checklist, that they're both for the project "123 Jones Street" and that they each consist of three tasks. So I've made two copies of the same checklist for the same project.

Now, it's obvious that both of these checklist copies are for repair requests, we can see that they both are copies of the "Tenant Repair Request" checklist but what we don't have any way of knowing by looking at this is which one of these copies is for the plumbing repair and which one is for the electrical repair and that's important to know. If we go look at these tasks on our task list we see the tasks that came from these checklist copies but again, there's no way for us to distinguish which of these are for the plumbing repair and which ones are for the electrical repair. So this clearly isn't going to work for us.

So let's go back to the "Checklists Copied" page and delete one of these but let's leave the other one for now so we'll still have it for comparison. Next, I'm going to make two new copies of that same checklist but this time let's enter "Dripping Kitchen Faucet" in the "Checklist Copy Name" field for one of the copies and "Broken Bedroom Light Fixture" for the other one. Now when we look at these new checklist copies we see this additional field for the "Checklist Copy Name" that allows us to very easily distinguish which of these is which. That field doesn't even show up on this older copy - it's not even going to show up unless there's something in it.

Let's go back over to our task list again and these at the top of the page are the older ones that we didn't delete but once we get down here, these new tasks do show that "Checklist Copy Name" both up here with the task name up here and then again down here where it references the checklist copy that this task belongs to. So this is obviously much, much better.

While we're talking about this, I want to show you one last thing that's sort of related to this. You probably already know that there are many ways that this application allows you to very easily filter your task list to show only certain types of tasks and we can see one of these if we hover the mouse pointer over the name of any one of the tasks on the task list. As we do that we see a little text box come up that tells us that we can click on the task name to filter the task list to display only tasks with this task name. So let's click on this one and now up here in the title, we see a line telling us that we are filtering our task list for the Task Name "Notify owner & request authorization for repair." and we also now see only 3 tasks being displayed. What I want you to notice here though is that even though these three tasks all appear to have a different task name, this one says "Dripping Kitchen Faucet" after it and this one says "Broken Bedroom Light Fixture" after it, they all three do show up here. That's because they actually do all have the same task name, it only appears different because the "Checklist Copy Name" is being displayed along with the task name. We can clear this task name filter by simply clicking the "Clear Filter" link up here at the top of the page.

So, let's look at another example of when we would need to use this Checklist Copy Name Field and again it's because we're making multiple copies of the same checklist for the same project.

Let's go out of this organization and go back into the real estate company that Bob is a member of called "Ready Real Estate". Once we're here, let's go to our checklists page and go look at the checklist called "Monthly Sales Reports".

So that's what you need to know about using the "Checklist Copy Name" field when you're making copies of checklists in this application.